Train to Al-Aqsa- An Educational Journey, Palestine
The creation of this book was inspired by the events we saw earlier this year, the struggle that the Palestinian people are facing all whilst protecting the scared site of Al-Aqsa. We wanted to highlight the importance of Al-Aqsa in a way children can understand and relate to.
Learn about the importance of Al-Aqsa Sanctuary as Hamzah and Maryam travel on the Hejaz railway and explore Palestine.
Al-Aqsa, Dome of the Rock, Masjid Al-Qibliand the Night of Al-Isra Wal Miraj are all presented in an enjoyable and easy to understand story.
All profits go to charity!
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Train to Al-Aqsa is an educational picture book for children. It is the story of Hamzah and Maryam, two children on a journey to Al-Aqsa, the third holiest site in Islam.
With vibrant cartoon illustrations by Charis Badi’ul Chusna and a story written by My Salah Mat, the book aims not only to show the beauty of Al-Aqsa Sanctuary, but also to educate children about certain misconceptions commonly held about the area. The book takes readers on a journey from the train to Al-Aqsa, from enjoying the Palestinian food, clothing, and finally telling the divine story of the Night Journey in a way that children can understand and relate to.
- Written by Dr Wendy Booth & Kamal Ali
- Illustrated by Charis Badiul Chusna
- Recommended Ages 3-12
- Pages 32
- Published by My Salah Mat